
Jun 26, 2012

Social Security Enters Into Agreement With Kaiser Permanente

     From a Social Security press release:
The Social Security Administration announced today that Kaiser Permanente, one of the nation’s largest healthcare providers, will electronically transmit complete medical records for its patients to the agency with the appropriate consent.  Social Security requests about 70,000 patient files from Kaiser Permanente each year so this seamless new system will save time and money for both partners as well as allow Social Security to make faster and more accurate decisions.
Over the last few years, Social Security had entered into similar agreements with several smaller providers to exchange medical records electronically over the Nationwide Health Information Network.  Today’s agreement marks the agency’s first move into using health information technology on a large-scale basis.

1 comment:

  1. You left out Astrue's quote about it being the biggest thing to happen to SSDI since 1958. Anyone want to defend that statement?
