
Jun 8, 2012

Warning: Witch Hunt Ahead

     Former Representative Charlie Melancon (D-La) warns that budget hawks have the Social Security disability programs in their sights as a target for a "witch hunt."


  1. This witch hunt has been going on even back in the Clinton days when he "reformed" AFDC.

    Most people now believe that the next big "reform" will occur to Social Security after the election in a "Grand Bargain."

    The article is relevant but misguided. She warns against Coburn and Cato, but the real threat to SSDI is Obama. He is dying to make this Grand Bargain.

  2. Nobbins, thsi si the first tiem I have been able to agree with you 100%.

  3. Sorry about the spelling, it's late on Friday afternoon, long week.

  4. "Let’s get the federal government’s fiscal house in order, but we simply cannot do it on the back of America’s disabled.

    So even Rep. Melancon wishes to continue putting future generations at risk by pillaging the OASDI taxes? How novel, watch for those deficit hawks targetting the disabled, but ignore my hand taking money out of the disabled piggy-bank!

  5. The system needs tweaks and adjustments, I don't think anyone believes the current system is above fixing.

    The question is what fixes? Push the grids back two years to reflect the two year push back in retirement age? Awarding of future date closed periods? Removing or reducing the cash component of SSI for children while making sure all the treatment needed is fully available?

    There is a political segment that wants SSI gone because they'd rather throw out those who never had an opportunity to earn credits of coverage than pay those who chose to never enter the lawfully reported workforce.
