
Jul 8, 2012

A New Form Of Slavery

     From Huffington Post:
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) on Sunday called Social Security "a form of modern, 21st century slavery." ...
This isn't the first time he's compared U.S. social programs to slavery. Last week, he said that President Obama "does not want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning, and having that title of American ... he'd rather you be his slave."


  1. First a disgrace to the uniform, now a disgrace to the Congress. How this guy got elected is beyond me.

  2. Cant win votes that way.

  3. I saw that movie Roots. I have to say, being a part of a national social insurance program really allowed me to totally identify with that dude who got whiped half to death.

  4. The continued destruction of the Republican Party works for me!

  5. you can't all be serious--compare what he said to what routinely comes out of the mouths of the leftists running the U.S. mainstream media, especially MSNBC and NPR. The right is just finally starting to catch up and dish it back--try taking it without whining for a while,ok.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You are totally right. I was listening to All Things Considered on NPR last night and I had to change the station because I got sick of all of the sexism and racism and out and out lies they were telling about "international news" and "the weather." Thank god Rush Limbaugh was on and I was able to get some clean news.

    Coincidentally, Rush Limbaugh also saw that movie Roots and he said that being a part of a national social insurance program really allowed him to totally identify with that dude who got whiped half to death. He also mentioned something about poor black people deserving to die and stuff. You know, the usual.
