
Aug 23, 2012

H.I.G. Gives Big Money To Romney Campaign

     H.I.G. Capital, a private equity firm, has given $219,495 to the Mitt Romney campaign this year, making it one of Romney's largest contributors, larger than Bain Capital, Romney's old firm.  H.I.G. is at least the partial owner of Binder and Binder, the largest entity representing Social Security disability claimants. H.I.G. may also have given money to independent groups supporting Romney but that information is not available to the public.


  1. And how is this relevant to Social Security disability?

  2. "And how is this relevant to Social Security disability?"

    Because Mr. Hall is on Team Obama.

    BTW It would be nice if you could read the security code you need to enter to post. Had to request about 6before I got one I could read. Bunch of letters and numbers ran together not much help.

  3. I'm not sure that Hall is really on Team Obama, but rather would support any politician whom he believed would protect the "racket" that is social security disability representation.

  4. @10:19 AM. reCAPTCHA prompts are hard to read on purpose. They are there to help stop robot spammers from destroying the comments section. If you want to see a webpage that needs it, visit the comment sections on MSN websites.

  5. This blog is becoming Mr. Hall's very own political soapbox. I find myself turning to other attorney-run blogs for real information.
