
Aug 24, 2012

Watch Out For Brinksmanship Ahead For Social Security Disability

     Republicans on the House Social Security Subcommittee have issued a press release attacking Vice President Biden's offhand comment that "I guarantee you, flat guarantee you, there will be no changes in Social Security." Their proof that something will be changed is the fact that the Disability Insurance Trust Fund is growing short of funds. The trust fund problem could be solved quickly by allowing inter-fund borrowing, something that has been done before, which would be "no change" as a practical matter but this press release is one of the signs that Republicans in Congress wish to use the Disability Insurance Trust Fund problem as an opening to cutting Social Security benefits.


  1. It's brinkmanship, and something does need to be changed.

    Namely, raising the cap on income.

  2. ...and fixing the grid rules which gives disability or ssi to someone just because of age, education and age.....and eliminate the appeals council !! not needed !!

  3. It would be nice to take some of these ridiculous decisions straight to federal court - cut out the AC rubber stamp.

  4. First, Biden is an idiot.

    Second, while we can debate what changes are necessary, we should all be willing to agree that some degree of reform is needed.

  5. 12:18 --- Must Agree. What are these folks (Appeals Council) doing now that claimants, especially SSI claimants can no longer realistically appeal? Oh, yeah, they can review allowances and reverse them. OK. But how about they start explaining why they dodge appeals with merit. Like write some attempt at a cogent response. Kinda makes me wonder.
    Every NOSSCR conference I attend somebody inevitably says I have 30 seconds and one page to get the AC's attention. Right. At 20% remand and what, 1 % reversal, save the money and put it up front at the DDSs or hire and correctly train some ALJs. Then monitor the latter. That's the kind of reform I would like to see.

  6. As person who has been through the process(as a claimant). I agree with comment 12:18 PM, August 24, 2012.

    Wasted resources/money at the appeals council level. Especially because regional council has to
    decide if the appeals have merit or not.

  7. That hurricane is doing God's work down in Tampa.

  8. "Save the money [wasted in the Appeals Council"] and put it up front at the DDSs or hire and correctly train some ALJs. Then monitor the latter. That's the kind of reform I would like to see."

    Ditto. The AC appears to care most about the number of dispositions [mostly denials] that it can show to the COSS in order to keep its current budget and FTEs (full time employees). The AC is hoping that court filings continue to go down, which makes it look good.
