
Oct 12, 2012

Poll Shows Americans Support Social Security Disability Benefits

     From a press release:
A new poll, conducted by Lincoln Park Strategies, finds the vast majority of likely voters support Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and believe that Congress should target other areas of the government when proposing cuts to balance the federal budget.
After months of combating unfounded media and political attacks against the SSDI benefits program, the National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives (NOSSCR) commissioned a survey to ask Americans if they believe SSDI should receive budget cuts, or remain intact for hard-working citizens who never expected to experience a disability. ...
Among the key findings of the poll:
83% of voters  - including 75% of Republicans – agree it would be unfair to cut SSDI benefits to working Americans who have paid into SSDI 80% of survey respondents support the SSDI benefits program Only 8% of voters polled believe SSDI should be cut 77% of those polled agree that Congress should focus on programs other than SSDI to make budget cuts 73% support SSDI program after hearing allegations that the program is another government handout program

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