
Nov 8, 2012

Field Offices To Start Closing At Noon On Wednesdays

     Social Security field offices are already closing a half hour early each day due to the agency's inadequate operating budget. The budget problems will just get worse over time even without the sequestration set to begin on January 1, 2013. Sequestration will dramatically cut the budget for Social Security and all other parts of the federal establishment. Now, the Social Security field office in Tuscaloosa is announcing that it will be closing at noon on Wednesdays beginning January 2, 2013. There has been no announcement yet that all Social Security offices will be closing at noon on Wednesdays but it would make sense. I doubt that this is a local thing in Tuscaloosa. I'm pretty sure that much more will be required if sequestration comes to pass.

     Update: And here's confirmation from the AARP that all field offices will be closing at noon on Wednesdays beginning January 2, 2013.

    Further update: And here's the Social Security press release on this. Normally, I receive e-mail notification of these but I either didn't get it yesterday or I missed it somehow. You too can get the press releases by e-mail.

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