
Nov 29, 2012

Former Lawmaker Indicted For Social Security Fraud

     From the Seattle Post Intelligencer:
A former Missouri lawmaker was indicted Tuesday on theft and Social Security fraud charges after receiving nearly $60,000 in federal disability payments while also getting paid for his work as a state House member.
The indictment alleges that former Democratic Rep. Ray Salva failed to notify the federal government of his employment as a legislator and thus received Social Security disability payments that he wasn't entitled to get. Salva served as a representative from the Kansas City suburb of Sugar Creek from January 2003 until January 2011, earning an annual salary of more than $30,000.


  1. Oh heck. Serving as a legislator is not the equivalent of SGA. We know that $30k was subsidized! (note, this is intended as sarcasm).

  2. Hundreds of thousands of claimants do the same thing and simply get charged with an overpayment. Why do some people get the extra punishment of a fraud charge? or conversely, why aren't all people who go back to work, and earn above SGA charged with fraud?

  3. Might have been substantial, but given the fact he was a lawmaker, probably not gainful.
