
Dec 31, 2012

Over The Cliff

     The House of Representatives is shutting down for the day without taking action on a fiscal cliff deal meaning we're going over the cliff at least for a day. There is no fiscal cliff deal at this point anyway. Will there be one before January 2? Stay tuned.


  1. Looks like the Bozos have made a deal to raise taxes, spend more and cut nothing.

  2. when will they make a decision that results in more vacation for me?

  3. If you are thinking of furloughs as vacation time, maybe you need to look into a different line of work. We get more than enough time off with the Agency through annual leave, sick leave and federal holidays. If you need even more time off, work credit hours and bank time for future use.

    The impact of furloughs will be most traumatic on the people we serve.

  4. i work plenty of credit and enjoy the federal holidays and vacation time...but I always want more. I work to live, not live to work.

  5. "The impact of furloughs will be most traumatic on the people we serve."

    The way federal employees have been treated with the pay freezes, I couldn't careless how furloughs effect the public. Don't care about me, I don't care about you.

    Just counting the days until I can retire.

  6. Anon at 4:15...

    Wow! There are people FAR, FAR less fortunate than you but you can't stop thinking about poor, little you. If you don't like how you're being treated, GET ANOTHER JOB! Until then, don't forget that the people you're supposed to be working for not only need your help, but also your COMPASSION and EMPATHY. People like you make me sick!
