
Dec 24, 2012

There's Your Problem

     From Mark McKinnon writing for The Daily Beast:
Increasingly, it is becoming clear that the [Republican] party is against everything and for nothing.
Nothing on taxes. Nothing on gun control. Nothing on climate change. Nothing on gay marriage. Nothing on immigration reform (or an incremental, piece-by-piece approach, which will result in nothing). It’s a very odd situation when the losing party is the party refusing to negotiate. It may be how you disrupt, but it is not how you govern, or how you ever hope to regain a majority.
And so, we have a Republican Party today willing to eliminate any prospect for a decent future for anyone, including itself, if it cannot be a future that is 100 percent in accordance with its core beliefs and principles. That’s not governing. That’s just lobbing hand grenades. If you’re only standing on principle to appear taller, then you appear smaller. And the GOP is shrinking daily before our eyes.


  1. 1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

    2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

    3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

    4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

    5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

  2. Anonymous said...

    1,2,3,4 and 5

    Amen brother.

    The only problem I have with Republicans is the military spending. We have hundreds of military bases in hundreds of countries and our military budget equals the total of what the next 10 countries spend and they want to spend more. Why are we guarding the North/South Korea border. Let them spend some of that Samsung and Hyundai money to guard their own border.

  3. 8:51

    you go off on military spending and the example you choose to highlight is Korea? You do realize that, maybe not quite as much now as in the decades before, our keeping things humming along in Korea is worth the cost and more considering the catastrophic consequences a conflict between N. and S. Korea would cause (once the former superpowers took sides and got involved).

    Iraq. Afghanistan. There's two big sources of military spending whose benefits pale in comparison to those of keeping Korea at peace.

    And I want to say this, because too many people can't get it through their thick skulls. Of the 47% who pay no federal income tax, many of them work on a full-time basis. They pay no federal income tax because the tax code doesn't tax income needed for basic survival. The standard deduction, the personal exemptions, and the child-related deductions? Those first few thousands of dollars are not taxed because those paltry amounts are what the tax code says are needed for basic suvival. Survival! So when you self-imagined John Galts talk about the half of Americans who are moochers, you are not only neglecting the fact that many of those moochers do work, full-time at that, but more importantly that these folks' corporate masters pay them so poorly that they do not earn at or above SURVIVAL INCOME levels. You should more mad that there are millions upon millions of jobs in this country that, when performed on a full-time basis, provide income below the poverty level for a household of two.

  4. I made the first comment. I would like to make another comment if you don't mind mr hall.

    It's clear to me highly educated individuals post here. But i would add my simple summary and that is the rich will continue to suck money from the economy while the republican support grow for them(the rich). And republican budget cuts support grow thusly worsening the economy. If not mistaen,britian and parts of europe is experiencing this now.

  5. "you go off on military spending and the example you choose to highlight is Korea? You do realize that, maybe not quite as much now as in the decades before, our keeping things humming along in Korea is worth the cost and more considering the catastrophic consequences a conflict between N. and S. Korea would cause (once the former superpowers took sides and got involved)."

    I just used that as an example, where we need to butt out and not get involved. If North and South Korea want to bomb each other into the stone age not our problem.

    Another money waster is NATO. Was supposed to protect Europe from the Warsaw Pack and now they are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Talk about mission creep.

    The earned income tax credit needs to go. Bad enough people pay no taxes, and then get money back. Everyone should pay some taxes. I don't care if it's just $10.00

    Foreign Aid, NPR, Public TV needs to go to. Not going to balance the budget with those, but need to start somewhere. While I'm at it, Dept of Education needs to go.

  6. I don't think it's wrong to expect the wealthy to pay more taxes. They are paying taxes to live in a country that gives people more opportunity to build and accumulate wealth than most others, that is (mostly) safe (they don't have to worry about getting kidnapped for ransom like in South or Central America), that gives them nearly unlimited freedom, and that is stable (which makes it less risky to engage in wealth-building activities). Does it suck to have to pay more--heck yeah! But if people don't like it, they can move somewhere else and see if paying less in taxes is worth it.

  7. It's tempting to respond to the 12:31 and earlier troll, but it's not worth the effort. He or she is just trying to bait people, and it's just too silly to rise to it. Anyone who doesn't understand the implications of an all-out war between the Koreas is hiding in a cave somewhere.

  8. "t's tempting to respond to the 12:31 and earlier troll, but it's not worth the effort. He or she is just trying to bait people, and it's just too silly to rise to it. Anyone who doesn't understand the implications of an all-out war between the Koreas is hiding in a cave somewhere."

    Not a troll I'm an SSA OCO ODO employee (both posts are mine). That's what the neocons always do, scare the public into thinking the sky is going to fall if there are any military cutbacks. Granted the big budget buster is Medicare, but the military also needs to be reduced as well. The U.S. empire needs to end.
