
Jan 28, 2013

Intellectual Disability Instead Of Mental Retardation

     From a notice in today's Federal Register:
We propose to replace the term ``mental retardation'' with ``intellectual disability'' in our Listing of Impairments (listings) that we use to evaluate claims involving mental disorders in adults and children under titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act (Act) and in other appropriate sections of our rules. This change would reflect the widespread adoption of the term ``intellectual disability'' by Congress, government agencies, and various public and private organizations.


  1. Stupid is as stupid does. I must have an intellectual disability because I cannot understand that I can borrow and spend myself into prosperity. When do I get my government check?

  2. Depends on what you borrow and spend on. If it's money for education and/or training, you may well be on the way to prosperity. Sorry that this is such a difficult concept for you, old chap.

  3. Man, talking about opening the flood gates for claims! I can't say I know a lot mentally retarded people, but I know tons with an intellectual disability!

  4. "This change would reflect the widespread adoption of the term ``intellectual disability'' by Congress, government agencies, and various public and private organizations."

    Should read

    This change would reflect the widespread adoption of the term ``intellectual disability'' for Congress, government agencies, and various public and private organizations.
