
Jan 10, 2013

Maybe Republicans Don't Really Want Sequestration

     From The Hill:
House Republican defense hawks are pushing back strongly against Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) claim that he has GOP support to allow steep automatic budget cuts to take effect if President Obama does not agree to replace them with other reductions. ...
“I don’t support that,” said Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), a member of the Armed Services Committee whose district includes one of the nation’s largest military installations. “You get into dangerous territory when you talk about using national security as a bargaining chip with the president.” ...
The Speaker suggested the sequester was a stronger leverage point for Republicans than the upcoming deadline to raise the debt ceiling ...
“In order to get the Republican Conference to pass the debt-limit increase last time, he promised them sequestration would not go in place,” the Republican House member said, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “To be using sequestration and these defense cuts in the next debt-limit talks certainly is pretty bad déjà vu for the Republican Conference.”


  1. Obama would welcome sequestration--he gets to gut the defense budget, which plays to his base, and he gets to blame the Republicans for the cuts in social programs, which the media will go nuts over. All part of the plan.

  2. Wrong. "Gutting" the defense budget would mean layoffs and more unemployment. It isn't in Obama's interest to let that happen.

  3. thin out the bloated and overpaid defense contractor herd. hire back many of them as DoD, etc. employees to do whatever actually needs to be done. This is one thing (the only thing?) AFGE is dead-on about.

  4. Obama does not care about layoffs and unemployment. He got re-elected despite them, and is not running for re-election again. It's all about the agenda--weaken America.

  5. It is none but Obama's great policy of winning reelection.
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