
Jan 17, 2013

Social Security To Be Involved In Reducing Gun Violence

     I had posted yesterday that it seemed to me that Social Security has records in database form that could be used to identify individuals suffering from severe mental illness who should not be allowed to possess firearms. Apparently, the same idea had already occurred to people within government. The President sent out a memorandum to the heads of departments and agencies ordering them to advise the Department of Justice within 60 days of any records they may have that would be relevant to the Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and to submit an implementation plan on how those records could be shared. In and of itself, that doesn't tell us that Social Security would be involved. However, the President also set up a working group on improving the NICS which includes the Social Security Administration. I think that tells us that Social Security will be involved in a significant way.


  1. That should be very interesting regarding the PII issues involved. We have been told that we can't even report suspected tax fraud to the IRS because of PII. Time will tell.

  2. I can't wait to see the unfavorable decision that reads "while the claimant is able to work full-time at the above RFC, given his psychiatric limitations he is too crazy to own or even look at a gun."

  3. The Privacy Act of 1974 is so eroded that it now seems like an empty shell of a public law. Just repeal it and be done with it.

  4. When will SSA be required to report the "undocumented" to INS and the Justice Department for enforcement action? Oh, I forget we are not concerned about the enforcement of existing laws, just the expansion of power of the executive branch when that branch agrees with a certain political view. Good-bye sweet America....

  5. I've seen fellow SSA officials call DHS when an undocumented fellow walked in trying to claim benefits...

  6. SSA disability info is largely retrievable only by numeric codes which are vague, at best. Someone who is paranoid schizophrenic might be coded as affective disorder, or even as anxiety disorder or mentally retarded. All that is needed is a disability allowance code sufficient to get someone paid. There is no way to go through tens of millions of actual files to read medical evidence for Obama's possible schemes.

  7. This is turning into a witch hunt. Would these same people be found competent to stand trial after a crime while labeled as incompetent to own a firearm before a crime?

  8. SSA may be involved in gun control in another way. The just-passed gun control law in NY State bans semi-auto handguns that hold more than 7 rounds. Turns out, they did not exclude law enforcement firearms, let alone security guards. So, all the handguns possessed by guards at SSA facilities in NY State are now illegal. How is SSA going to handle the presence of illegal guns on its premises?

  9. I believe that the new NY law prohibits loading more than 7 rounds, not magazines that have more than a 7 round capacity. Therefore, if you shoot an armed robber 5 times and have 8 rounds left in your magazine, you are a criminal.

  10. The law prohibits magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. You can have a 10-round-max-capacity magazine, if it is loaded with no more than seven rounds. Another law to provide more jobs for lawyers.
