
Jan 24, 2013

"The Precise Timing Of His Return To Massachusetts"

     From the Federal Times:
For anyone who’s wondering, Social Security Administration Commissioner Michael Astrue remains on the job, even though his six-year term officially ran out last Saturday.
In an email today, SSA spokeswoman Kia Anderson cited the federal law that allows Astrue to stay until the Senate confirms his successor. Given that President Obama has yet to even nominate a possible replacement, Astrue could continue to lead the agency for some time to come. Also remaining in place is Deputy Commissioner Carolyn Colvin.
Astrue, a Massachusetts lawyer and published poet (how many top-level feds can claim that kind of resume?), was named Social Security commissioner by former President George W. Bush and has held the job since early 2007. In the email, Anderson noted that Astrue has said repeatedly that he would not seek reappointment to another term.
Because Astrue has not spoken with Obama “about the precise timing of his return to Massachusetts . . . ,” Anderson added, “it would be inappropriate to speculate about that subject.”


  1. Why is it given the field to choose from that we have seen so far that I think there will be a day when you will want Astrue back. He really has not been that bad. His response to impossible budgets worked, Hearing backlogs are down like Congress wanted. No 999 day Hearings. Compared to some of the past Commishes we have seen (ie Barnhart) Astrue had a lot on the ball. Dont be in such a hurry to give him the bums rush.

  2. i agree. Astrue has not been that bad at all. i'm afraid of what might be coming...

  3. It is hard to imagine anyone worse. He has no respect for federal workers, the law, or the President. He has not been friendly or cooperative with federal unions. Also, from what I have read about situations in ODAR offices in NYC and WV, it appears that he and ODAR management encourage ALJs to do anything to clear the backlog -- that is, anything other than read their files and treat people respectfully. He is a disgrace.

  4. I've heard a lot of hyperbolic rhetoric from the unions about Astrue being hostile to workers, but not a lot of real evidence. Why are the unions so hyper-sensitive on this issue?

  5. If Astrue is so bad, hates the SSA and has made it a disaster, please explain why SSA was voted by its employees as #1 government agency to work in every year he was commish?

  6. Let's face it. This guy's a douchebag that pisses off everyone in his wake. That's why he doesn't have a more lucrative gig in the private sector right now. And that's no A.M. Joke.

  7. People who like their jobs at SSA don't necessarily like the COSS or any of the political hacks he has appointed as his "Deputies." It'll be good to see him go. He'll be taking with him a lifetime entitlement to government health insurance benefits, courtesy of the US taxpayers.
