
Feb 18, 2013

Errors In Colvin Biography

     I'm going through what I can find about Carolyn Colvin's background so I can do a post about the new Acting Commissioner. I'll try to get something up soon but I've encountered problems with her biography on Social Security's website. It contains at least two inaccuracies. This has to be unintentional since there's nothing she would want to keep secret. The error may have happened at Social Security's press office. She's omitted her time as Director of Human Services for the District of Columbia from 2001-2003 and the bio on Social Security's website is way off on the dates of her service as Director of the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Service. The biography shows that job as being from 2001-2003 but she was working for the District of Columbia then. I know she was fired from the Montgomery County job in 2006 after a new County Executive was elected.
     Maybe the new Acting Commissioner would be sympathetic to the argument that it's a bit much for Social Security to consider work going back 15 years to be past relevant work for purposes of disability determination.


  1. Not surprised in the least. Her nomination was nothing more than a political favor, so qualifications become irrelevant anyway. Good work, Charles.

  2. Love this blog, and your sense of humor.

  3. Afraid this is par for the course, in terms of Ms. Colvin's competence. Yes, the Press Office could have screwed up, but let's face it, they were working from material she (and/or her staff) supplied.

  4. Colvin and her involvement in HHS is questionable due to the time she was there her friends Maximus Inc was pulling off FRAUD.
