
Feb 12, 2013

Why Social Security Shouldn't Be Cut

From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


  1. Never depend upon the government as your primary support. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. But what do we do when the majority do not even know or care that they are being fooled?

  2. Anon at 11:22; Most low wage workers don't have any choice but to "depend" upon their Title 2 benefits for support in their retirment years: their employers offered no pension and they had no "extra" income to set aside for the future.

  3. Yeah, like "extra" income they used to buy cigarettes all those years...

  4. "Yeah, like "extra" income they used to buy cigarettes all those years..."

    And lottery tickets.

  5. I agree with the two postions in the above comments. Even if a person was financially responsible,it would be hard to save money on low wages but there are people who waste money on
    substance abuse and having the best of everything as in goods and service.

  6. The '80s called; they want their demonizing the poor back.

  7. We've gotten to the point in this country where entitlement brainwashing is an incurable disease. Taking responsibility for ones actions is no longer accepted by the majority. The federal government should not be supporting anyone who destroyed their own lives and in turn their own retirement lifestyle. If you only earn $8.00 an hour, try not having multiple children to support. Maybe you shouldn't drink or smoke, both costly habits. Maybe you shouldn't waste your money at the casino, on lottery tickets or at the strip club. If you didn't do those things, you certainly would not be rich or even well off, but you wouldn't have to support things non-essential to daily living. A lot of people in this country have adopted the idea that "I can do whatever I want, and Uncle Sam will provide for me". While I don't despise anyone genuinely less fortunate, I do despise those that refuse to accept responsibility and consequences for their actions. Misfortune can fall on anyone of us, and a safety net should be in place, but a "comfortable" lifestyle is earned not given.

  8. The righteous are out in force today.

  9. If by righteous you mean responsible, then yes.

  10. And who voted for Obama?
