
Mar 20, 2013

What About Alan Simpson As Chairman?

From the Associated Press:
The Senate's No. 2 Democrat said Wednesday that he's preparing a plan to create a commission to study Social Security's fiscal problems and send a proposed solution to Congress for guaranteed votes in both House and Senate. 
Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin says he's got bipartisan backing for the idea, which is patterned after President Barack Obama's 2010 deficit commission. ...
"You would basically say to a commission, within a very limited time frame, to come up with a proposal for 75-year solvency of Social Security and then — and this is important — it would be referred to both chambers on an expedited procedure," Durbin told reporters ...
Durbin's proposed 18-member commission would contain an equal number of Republicans and Democrats but require 14 votes to send a plan to Congress. 


  1. As most people from Illinois can tell you Sen Durbin is a talk big do little rep. Patterning anything after the failed 2010 deficit commission has little chance of suceeding.

  2. 14/18 votes to send to congress = nothing will come of this commission.

    Even if it does "send a plan to Congress" that plan will die quickly, much as Simpson-Bowles.

    He's doing what politicians do

  3. Another commission is not needed, Congress just needs the balls to do what needs to be done.

  4. @ 5:03pm: Yeah and cut peoples throats, that's blood money and that's wrong.
