
Apr 12, 2013

CNN Money On Increase In Disability Claims

    There's a piece in CNN Money on the increase in the number of disability claims. It's not as unbalanced an article as most but the author still lists the recession first as a causes for the increase. The idea that economics explains anything and everything has gotten so strong in the minds of so many people that it's hard to get them to look at the compelling evidence that demographics is the overwhelming explanation for what is happening here.


  1. Unfortunately, the increase in claimant's i am seeing ar enot supported by your demographics theory. I am seeing more and more 30-40 year old applicants than I am Baby Boomers. When I asked one gentleman why he couldn't work, he responded, "I wouldn't say I can't work, I just can't find work". This is becoming more the norm that worn out Baby Boomers..

  2. I totally agree with the post above. That is the biggest group I'm seeing as well and similar responses as the why they aren't working. I'll try to find the stats, but I do believe that age group, 30-40/45 is the largest group on disability now. And it seems to be growing. Whatever the reason, I have my theories, it's a BAD TREND!

  3. I dunno, maybe it's because boomers are being paid at DDS, but from where I sit at ODAR (and I'm the guy posting about how troubling it is seeing 55-62 folks getting backdoor retirement benefits by way of DIB) there are infinitely more 35-45 year olds applying for SSI and DIB than there are opportunist or worn out boomers.

  4. It seems as if this is the first one of these aberrations that actually mentioned the disabled veteran fallout from the wars. These vets pay into SS while on active duty and can draw SSDI when they get badly hurt.

    The Republicans don't mind starting these wars, but sure do whine about paying for the end-result, as usual.
