
Apr 1, 2013

Wonkblog Keeps On Wonking

    The Washington Post's Wonkblog has discovered to its surprise that, contrary to what some people have been telling them, demographics is by far the most important factor in explaining the increase in the number of Social Security disability claims. Wonkblog concedes that this simple, straightforward explanation might have some merit but they can't believe that's all there is to it. I would suggest that Wonkblog take a look at Steve Goss' recent testimony before a Congressional committee. He's Social Security's Chief Actuary. The whole subject of disability incidence rate is extremely complicated but the bottom line is that a lot of what passes for increases in disability incidence is actually comparisons of peaks and valleys. Look at the long term and it becomes obvious that the only real problem is a long anticipated need for additional funding for the Disability Trust Fund caused by the aging of the baby boom population.


  1. Its no fun when you cant blame it on greedy bad guys. All those numbers, percentages, its too hard to think about. I like what they are saying on TV, bad people cheating the system, making the deficit go up, bad people.

    Unfortunately, this will get as much traction as a good story about gravel. Can we get this worked into American Idol, or Dancing with the Stars?

  2. Good people get accused of being bad, cause some people think they must be lying and not following the rules, so they throw stones in a glass house, but then to some I can't win, I'll always be guilty of the crime of getting a check from the SSI program for being disabled, not like I wanted to be disabled of course, life takes unexpected turns, which used to be called, Fate...
