
Jun 30, 2013

Education Is So Important

    I think this chart from a recent Urban Institute report is interesting. (DI = Disability Insurance):


  1. According the trend those numbers present, dhouldnt the roles begin shrinking considerably in the future?

  2. Am I interpreting this graph correctly? That more than 1/2 of those who do not finish high school receive Social Security disability at some point in their lives? That's really hard to believe. That universe of people includes a large number who never even worked at all, or who have been incarcerated for most of their life -- and do not qualify for Social Security disability. Everryone else gets Social Security disability? C'mon.

  3. The graph does not say 1/2 of those people not graduating HS get disability. It says 1/2 of the people receiving disability did not graduate HS. Big difference - and totally believable.

  4. It's actually saying that 1/2 of the people who did not complete HS AND were insurable by DI received benefits. So it does not include the "large universe of people who never work...". Anonymous 9:10 can not be right because the percentage in the graphs add up to more than 110%. If you click on the link to the article, you can see for yourself.

  5. Actually no one is insurably by DI. It is a welfare program. DIB is an insurance program and paid for by the beneficaries as they work.. Ergo, no education, no work history, no insurance = welfare, or in other words, from the taxes of others that work.

    1. Um, I get where you're coming from, but that graph isn't about SSI, it's about SSDI. You very rarely see any reports or numbers specifically aimed at SSI because its the government's dirty little secret. Heck, I had never even heard of SSI before I started with SSA. Now I work in an inner city office and am sick to my stomach most days.
