
Sep 18, 2013

Acting Commissioner's Broadcast E-Mail

A Message To All SSA And DDS Employees
Subject: Budget Update
As many of you are aware, annual funding for the Federal Government expires on September 30.  The Administration strongly believes that a lapse in funding should not occur.  There is enough time for Congress to prevent a lapse in appropriations, and the Administration is willing to work with Congress to enact a short-term continuing resolution to fund critical government operations and allow Congress the time to complete the full-year 2014 appropriations.
However, prudent management requires that we be prepared for all contingencies, including the possibility that a lapse could occur at the end of the month.  A lapse would mean that a number of government activities would cease due to a lack of appropriated funding.  It would also mean that a number of employees would be temporarily furloughed.  To prepare for this possibility, we are working with our Office of the General Counsel to update our contingency plans for executing an orderly shutdown of activities that would be affected by a lapse in appropriations. 
I realize the uncertainty of the current circumstances puts you in a difficult situation, and should a lapse occur, it could impose hardships on many of you, as well as the people that we serve every day.  As we approach the end of the month, I am committed to providing you with updated and timely information on any further developments.  I know you have many questions about your particular situation.  The Office of Personnel Management has a website that should answer some of the questions that may be on your mind. 
Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and patience through this process.  You remain the best employees in Government, and I know I can count on you to continue your unwavering commitment to serve the public during this uncertain time.
Carolyn W. Colvin
Acting Commissioner

1 comment:

  1. Football season, baseball playoffs, the turning of deciduous tree leaves--add to that list of things marking the return of Fall the now-yearly emails from the Commish warning us that idiot Republican House members (double entendre totally intentional) are going to possibly shut down the government.
