
Sep 26, 2013

Budget Impasse Continues

     The Speaker of the House of Representatives says he doesn't expect a government shutdown next week but also says he will pursue a plan that would make a shutdown almost inevitable. At best, nothing will be settled until Monday. In the meantime, based upon past behavior, expect the Commissioner of Social Security to be sending out a broadcast e-mail to employees either today -- Thursday -- or Friday. 
     I hope that the vast majority of Social Security employees remain at work even if there's a shutdown, but, to be honest, a straightforward interpretation of the Anti-Deficiency Act would mean that almost all Social Security employees would be furloughed. I don't know that one should read anything into it, but the last time there was a serious shutdown threat, President Obama said that he wanted Social Security to continue processing claims. I haven't seen such a statement this time around.


  1. We were told by our manager today that it had come down to them from on high that SSA employees would be considered excepted employees. We were instructed to report for work on Tuesday in the event of a shutdown.

  2. For ODAR, ALJs, the HOD, one IT specialist and one lead case technician will report, all other employees will be furloughed. Hearings will be held. Furloughed employees are expected to report Tuesday for 4 hours for wind down activities then leave

  3. ditto what 3:07 said. What in the heck component do you work for, 2:45??

  4. re: 5:00pm

    Field office.

  5. It's time for the GOP leadership to find some new eggs to hatch. The Tea Party is a failed effort. It is composed of a bunch of misogenous cultists. The energy of the dark side, energy as it may be is bad energy. They flail, they deliver only pain, and they leave a trail of ruin. They have cast off all reason. The GOP should let them fly alone. Eric Cantor, are you listening?

  6. @6:06

    oh jeez. let's hope there isn't a shutdown--you FO folks already have it bad enough. can't imagine working with the angry masses during a shutdown :(

  7. 3:07 is correct. that's what has been disseminated to all SSA employees yesterday, incl but not ltd to judges. We will b ok for some 2-3 weeks, w already contracted experts and reporters, and after that - if the shutdown continues - we r expected to greet clts, take them to rooms, operate the comp for recording, write and close cases, etc - per my HOCALJ. A cangaroo court big time.

  8. Why do the democrats want to shut down the government? The House passed a bill to fund everything except one program, a program the majority of the citizens do not want.

  9. @ 9:48AM

    I know, right? After Mit Romney was swept into office on his promise to repeal Obamacare I would have thought the dems would have gotten the message about what the American people want!

    1. The people cast their votes based on lies and empty promises. Now we all get to reap the benefits!

  10. OAO was told all staff will be furloughed

  11. @1:08 pm. OAO entirely furloughed? It's unlikely that anyone will miss it. Not many will notice the abrupt halt in denial notices, which is mainly what they do.
