
Sep 30, 2013

Social Security Plan For Government Shutdown

     I'm bumping this one up. It was originally posted Friday afternoon.

     Social Security has posted its plan for dealing with a government shutdown. Overall, the agency will furlough 18,006 of its 62,343 employees, most of them employees of the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR), with many of the rest being in Budget, Finance and Management, General Counsel, Operations and System/Chief Information Officer. The letter states that "Our approach in ODAR could evolve over time depending on the length of the shutdown." Social Security plans to "encourage" the state disability determination services to continue operating but cannot direct this since the employees work for state government.


  1. I don't understand how the field office workers are deemed"essential"

  2. ODAR is a joke. ALJs and senior attorneys in Jericho loaf at home, leave the office for a good part of the day, and cheat on OT. Nothing happens. Management doesn't care that the taxpayer is being raped.

  3. Can't wait to be up front on Tuesday and turn people away who need Social Security cards. I'm sure they'll be kind and understanding about it, especially those who have traveled 50+ miles on their one day off to come in.

  4. Umm how are field office workers not essential? I guess some elderly person who didn't get their social security check should just get screwed in all this right? If you spent half a day in a field office you might understand how critical these offices are for many people in this country.

    1. Thank you TOO True PEACE

  5. If the idiots in DC want to shut the gov't down, then there should be NO exceptions. Close everything: no Air traffic controllers, no military, stop Social security checks, no ANYTHING.

    then see how fast things get resolved

    1. Amen, fellow American. Quit Half Ass'n. & do what our Brilliant forefathers created for us. Stop playing house and "GROW THE HELL UP!!"

  6. i continue to be amazed that beneficiaries keep getting paid (and get COLA), yet employees who actually WORK, are being told they won't get paid and haven't received a COLA since 2010.

    Crazy system.

  7. Aljs cheat on overtime? Good trick. They cannot get overtime!


  8. sounds like a regular attorney-advisor with sour grapes. or maybe just a "paralegal" that is pissed AFGE hasn't found some way to justify him/her getting 13 pay like the senior attorneys since they do the same job (ha!).

  9. I receive disability benefits because I have Secondary Progressive MS. Two child fist size portions of my brain are already dead. Before being diagnosed with SPMS, I was the founding principal of a design firm. Due to the nose dive in the economy in 2007, combined with taking care of my employee's when I waa forced to close my office in 2009, I have nothing. Forced to sell my house to pay debt, the only income I have is my SSDI. I currently have 89 cents and some food to last me another two days. My last year of professional practice I paid over $30,000 in taxes - and worked for over 25 years with MS. So... I don't deserve to receive my SSDI?
