
Oct 30, 2013

Banned By SSA!

     It appears that starting this week Social Security's computer network is blocking access to this blog. I strongly doubt that it's just this blog. Probably, everything on blogger is being blocked.

     Update: I don't know what's going on. I'm getting people reporting accessing Social Security News from Social Security computers but Google Analytics shows access to Social Security News way down this week. More importantly, Google Analytics also shows that access from flatlined on October 26. If you're accessing this blog from, were you able to access it yesterday?

    Further update: I'm seeing some things on the Google Analytics product forum suggesting that this may be a Google Analytics problem rather than something that Social Security has done.


  1. I'm at SSA headquarters and I don't have any problem getting to your blog.

  2. not blocked at ODAR

  3. Not blocked at a DDS. And I was able to get in yesterday.

  4. Not blocked at a FO and was able to access yesterday as well.

  5. Another not blocked at a FO and was able to access yesterday as well.

  6. no problems viewing this blog at work!

  7. No problem viewing this from my undisclosed location in South America.
    Eric Conn

  8. Get a life, 3:14.

  9. To 3:14 - Mr. Conn, did you take your disability double-wide trailer office with you to South America? ... Remolque doble ancho!!!

  10. What would ODAR do without access to this blog? Doesn't the Deputy Comm gets updates from his subordinates every time he or his organization is mentioned here? Speaking of which, why have Astrue holdovers like Sklar and Foster kept their cushy government jobs and continue to run large parts of the agency, particularly when Huntington, paying down the backlog and other alleged misdeeds occurred on their watch? Could it be because the acting Comm is essentially a seat warmer without a vision that's any different from the one held by the Republican appointee who preceded her? The one Don Berwick calls a "hack"?

  11. @ 6:08

    The incumbent appears to be incompetent and I don't think that she could manage/lead her way out of a box even if two sides were open.

    The problem with SSA management/leadership is that they are all career SSA employees and are what I describe as "inbred." They have made their careers by following the rules of those who came before them and are so fearful of meaningful change that they are essentially condemned to continue the status quo. A new commish would be a good start, but that person better be given free reign to clean house when he/she comes in.

  12. Quick, jump to a conclusion with no evidence!

    There are far more trafficked sites that would be blocked by SSA before your blog. And people wonder why people accuse your of exaggerating...

  13. That's what I want confirmed as a taxpayer and SSA employee..... federal employees using a government provided computer to browse blogs and be able to spend even more time to make comments on a blog if they want! For those very few who have a work related reason to have such access, I have no objection (but this reason does not exist in a field office). However, for all others, please explain your work related reasons why you need such access. Please do not tell me you only do your personal internet browsing on your breaks or lunch. That excuse is well past its expiration date. Spend more time working your backlog and answering the phone.

  14. 4:58, way to insult anyone who ever lived in a trailer, douche.

  15. It's not a secret that ODAR management staff monitors this blog routinely during business hours.
