
Oct 13, 2013

COLA Likely To Be 1.5%

     The Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security is likely to be 1.5% this year.


  1. i wonder what the COLA will be for working employees? Actually I know the answer, it's zero.

    The same amount that we will receive for work performed since October 1.

    At this point, beneficiaries are better off than govt. employees. They keep getting paid AND get a raise.

  2. I can't wait to get my 0.0% percent COLA increase...whenever the president and congress decide to pay me again.

  3. Agree -- 1.5% is a heck of a lot more than federal workers have received in 3 years!

  4. People receiving Social Security disability are better off than federal employees? You'll be back to work by the end of the month. You'll likely make a good deal more than any beneficiary will ever receive per month.

  5. Move to one of the states where welfare pays more than a full time minimum wage job -- problem solved! Obama wants everyone on the take anyway!

  6. I think it's just that the SSA employees, who haven't had a COLA in 3 years, are sick and tired of hearing the beneficiaries bitch to us about their COLA being too small for their liking. Sorry, no sympathy from us, especially from those whose pay actually went DOWN because of increased health insurance premiums.

  7. "You'll likely make a good deal more than any beneficiary will ever receive per month."

    Yes, you're right. But I also have to pay for gas to get to work, pay for car insurance, pay for childcare when I am at work. ALso, I actually have to go to work for 40 hours a week.

    If someone paid for those things for me (along with subsidized, usually free housing, free food and free healthcare) I wouldn't need a job and would be able to sit on the couch watching tv all day (like many of the beneficiaries I meet).

  8. So inflation only affects those on disability? Or is this just another iteration of the argument "others have it worse, so you can't complain about the bad things affecting you" meant to keep everyone quiet and complacement with being screwed by the man?

  9. Before I became sick and disabled I made 27/hour! I don't want to be disabled!! I'd rather my 27/hour!! I don't get free food or housing and if I could work I would!! I'm so sick of people thinking I chose this hell!! I also paid in to this system for 30years yet am constantly threatened that my benefits will stop because of govt games!! Disability is NOT some freebie game for me! I need to survive and even that survival is bare compared to what I used to have!! I am thankful for what little I receive (8/hr!) but trust me - this isn't some monthly windfall! Pray you don't end up like I did!! You would change your tune!
