
Oct 1, 2013

Lanhee Chen Nominated To SSAB

     From the Washington Post:
It seemed like a timely stroke of bipartisanship: the White House announced Monday, on the eve of a government shutdown, that President Obama would nominate a top adviser to Republican Mitt Romney's campaign to an administration position.
Obama intends to nominate Lanhee J. Chen -- the policy director on Romney's 2012 presidential campaign who, yes, repeatedly attacked Obama's Social Security plans -- to the Social Security Advisory Board, which advises the president as well as the Congress on Social Security policy.

But that's not quite the full story. The board is independent and its membership is bipartisan. Although the president nominates members, the nominees alternate between the political parties. This vacancy was for a Republican member, a White House aide explained, and Chen was actually the pick of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

1 comment:

  1. And Obama is not holding it up in a political grandstand?!
