
Oct 16, 2013

OGC Employees Recalled To Work

     I'm hearing that most of Social Security's Office of General Counsel (OGC) has been recalled to work. There's every reason to expect that the government shutdown will be completely over by midnight.


  1. Obama wins. The country loses. Eventually, the dollar will collapse, inflation will rage, and the nation will be devastated by economic ruin.

  2. Let me respond with an equally intelligent argument:


  3. I hope and pray you are correct - thank God!!! Thank you for this wonderful news!

  4. I want my unemployment. I want my disability. I want my food stamps. I want my ObamaPhone. I want my section 8 housing. I want my Medicaid. I want my ObamaCare. I don't want to work...unless, of course, it's off the books and I don't have to pay taxes.

    1. Spoken like a true Tea Party SSI claimant. Always angry thinking everyone else gets "their SSI" including "their friends" but wondering "where's my SSI?"

    2. Tip to all: watch the movie "Joe". Came out circa 1970. Peter Boyle's character is the Tea Party and the rich guy the big business Republican. The film was ahead of its time.

  5. Now the government can err by commission instead of by omission.

  6. I've been waiting for like three years now for that "imminent" super hyperinflation Austrian economists and other hacks keep promising is going to ruin us.

    When will you all just admit you were wrong? I guess if you keep saying "soon," one day, when a spat of significant inflation comes (there is sure to be one at some point in the next couple decades) you'll twist and turn causation and say you were right all along, that it was 2009-2016 policies that did it. Ha!

  7. Nah, we'll blame it on Bush out of force of habit by then..

  8. @6:59 PM, October 16, 2013

    It's actually pronounced "ReaganPhone". Good luck with the rest of your nonsense.

  9. Inflation, my dear, is already with us. The government is just fudging the numbers to hide it.

  10. 4:16

    oh lord. I've heard that tired line before. Ok, I'll even give you that the CPI and other measures of inflation used by our gov't are not the most accurate. But still, I live in this economy and have a good idea of what significant inflation looks like.

    We may have more inflation than the gov't states, but it isn't the hyperinflation the Austrians have been promising is just around the bend. Your argument may be true to the tune of a percent or so, but even that generous estimate does not come close to the Austrians' prognostications. They are talking Weimer type inflation--remember that picture from your history book of the little German girls making a doll house out of bricks of currency?

    But keep arguing how fudging of numbers is somehow hiding the huge inflation, we're just somehow missing it...

    1. When it was a "ReaganPhone" it was in your home, connected to a landline. That's the way it should be now. I hate paying for someone else's cell phone. Cell phones are luxuries, not necessities. If not mistaken, Bush introduced the cell phones to the program which was a mistake. Funny how all the poor people think it was Obama's idea. Must be a racial thing I guess.
