
Oct 23, 2013

OIG To Focus On Widespread Fraud Investigations; ALJ Lillios Detailed To Help

     From Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG):
Our new pilot ... will focus on allegations involving third-party facilitators [of disability fraud], particularly those that may indicate widespread fraud schemes or conspiracies.  The pilot will focus on allegations involving:
  • SSA senior executives, administrative law judges, administrative appeals judges, and other employees;
  • attorneys and non-attorney claimant representatives; and
  • medical evidence providers, consultative examiners, vocational and medical experts, and other disability contractors.
The Inspector General has asked SSA [Social Security Administration] Associate Chief Administrative Law Judge Paul Lillios to manage this new pilot program.  Judge Lillios has been detailed from SSA to the OIG as a Senior Advisor, reporting to our Assistant Inspector General for Investigations, Rich Rohde.


  1. That is wonderful. Hopefully, they will start by taking action against Daugherty, Andrus, Conn, etc.

  2. Let me guess...Conn and Andrus have agreed to step down from their former positions to assume positions with this new program...
