
Oct 20, 2013

Partial Shutdown At Social Security Threatned Life Of SC Man

     From The State of Columbia, SC:
Saturday almost ushered in David White’s last dose of Tasigna, a pill he was receiving free of charge to treat his chronic myeloid leukemia.
The 31-year-old Beaufort resident was participating in a clinical trial with drug maker Novartis, and he qualified for more of the $2,300-per-month drug — if he could prove his date of eligibility for Medicare. That day falls in August 2014, two years after White’s illness forced him to file for disability.
As proof, Novartis required an official document from the Social Security Administration, at a time when the agency was severely slowed by a 16-day, partial government shutdown.
It was only once the shutdown ended, following Congress’ vote to fund the government through Jan. 15, that White got what he needed to secure his lifesaving treatments.

Read more here:


  1. And Obama, Reid, and the democrats refused to negotiate! They put the nation at risk. Remember that National Lampoon magazine cover from back in the day showing a dog looking worriedly at a revolver pressed to its head, with the famous caption "If You Don't Buy This Magazine, We'll Kill This Dog" (January 1973). I think that some people who saw this cover, and the children they raised, learned that lesson well and now run government. The people refusing to negotiate are the ones holding the gun.

  2. That's BS, Democrats already compromised on the budget, the Baggers lost and are insane ans should be kicked out of Office, with poll ratings of 22%, the Baggers are crazy, with repeal this or We want this something that had absolutely nothing to do with the budget and refusing the Senates request 18 times for a budget Conference Committee to be attended by members of the House, even Rep King(R-NY) said on video that Repubs were at fault for the $24 Billion partial government(that's $1.5 Billion a day) shutdown/tempertantrum that was supported by 80 Baggers in Congress, one of whom was Rep Cook(R-CA, 8th District).

  3. Unnecessary. If he had simply established an online account with SSA. He could have printed the verification he needed despite the shutdown as the online services were not affected.

    Nice piece of liberal propaganda though. I guess when you're so used to depending on others to do things for you, you forget how to help yourself.

  4. This is so common it is a standing joke in field offices. Someone needs proof from SSA of age, citizenship, income, their SSN,whatever, for some agency, organization, DSS, food stamps, etc. They have a time limit, but show up on the last day, and they do not have proper i.d. or the computer is down, and now it is an emergency and it wasn't their fault and the govt is stupid, etc.
    No sympathy, sorry.....

  5. Totally agree with 3:11.

    In addition, he would have gotten his Medicare card before 8/13 which would prove his entitlement. Why didn't he have that? It would have arrived sometime in June or July.

    But it does make a good sound bite.

  6. Read the year wrong. Medicare card coming next year.

  7. Medicare eligibility would have been specified in his initial award letter. He could have used that. The field office would most likely have provided him with that same notice as proof of his August 2014 eligibility.
