
Oct 16, 2013

Shutdown Will Soon Be Over

     In case you haven't heard the news, the Republicans lost the government shutdown, big time. I don't want to say the Democrats won but the Democrats won. All federal employees should plan on being back at work Thursday. Republicans should put the idea of using a government shutdown or debt ceiling crisis out of their minds FOREVER.
     Update: For those who don't understand why I'm saying the shutdown will be over after today, read Jonathan Chait. This is a done deal. Everyone but two Senators and 30 or so House Republicans want this over pronto. The few who want this crisis to continue can't prevail or even delay the inevitable much longer.


  1. And let's hope it's at least 17 years before the Stupid Party tries this stunt again.

    Of course the fact that they lost this fight badly and are sinking in public esteem can't hurt.

  2. And that's the major problem. We are all pawns in a political game. A shut down and near default accomplished what exactly.

  3. Thank God the USA will never run out of money! After all, we own the printing press!

  4. I have been at work the whole time - just with no support staff, and no pay. Send me some of whatever it is that you are smoking. I hope you are right, but am not holding my breath.

  5. While I disagree with the strategy used by Republicans, I agree with the message. The government as whole continues to send the wrong message to the nation: spend, spend, spend, don't worry if you don't have the money, just borrow and spend! What a failure we have going on right now. I'm including all parties involved!

  6. Charles, that mentality is part of our problem in general. Who cares who "won", the American people LOST. And before anyone blasts me, I don't agree with the way the right handled this whole mess.

  7. The Dems already agreed to big cuts. And that wasn't enough, because the Tea Partiers wanted to misuse the democratic process to repeal a law already on the books. Overspending is a problem, true, but so is the fact that we have extremists who are elected as a result of gerrymandering.

  8. If the conservative position is adopted there will be less funding,less money pumped into the economy. The rich will keep more of their money,investing in china or other low wage countries(cheap labor) and the u.s will never grow a strong economy.

    I do agree,as a beneficiary,SSA should reduce spending,especially $100,000+ alj salaries,as these decisions maybe written by others that must stand before judicial review.

  9. Charles, I wish you were right and the whole mess were behind us, but your prediction did not yet come true, and it is still anybody's guess whether the Treasury being unable to pay all bills as they come due will in fact be avoided. I am working with full staff and none of us are getting paid. I want it over.

  10. $100,000 guy is back. Nice.

  11. Thank God Obama isn't a senator, he would vote against raising the debt ceiling.. He was wrong once, why doesn't anyone think he can be wrong again??

  12. 10:03- There's a difference betwen a statement vote and a vote that actually means something. He would not push for default or shutdown.

    1. Too many "statement" votes got him elected/re-elected so apparently the mean something!

  13. This is only a done deal if Boehner had decided to put this before the House notwithstanding tea party opposition, or if he now has enough GOP yes votes to credibly say it passes the notorious "Hassert rule." The sole authority for that proposition in Chait's piece is something an anonymous staffer allegedly told the National Review.

    I hope Chait is right, but I will believe it when I see the bill introduced on the House floor.

  14. O.K. I'm anon immediately above. I give. It's a done deal:,0,1118789.story

  15. Obama is a fraud and a liar. Each month, the federal government takes in 12x what it needs to service the national debt. There is no danger of default.

    The Republicans should stand firm and demand spending cuts.

  16. 1:06- You lose. America wins.

  17. @1:06

    Yeah, and I could cut off my head to avoid having to pay for future haircuts. So what?

    Causing a default as the way to forcibly, dangerously, and harriedly change taxing/spending/deficits/etc of the US economy is not in any sane, rational, or moral world a way to go to fix our big problems.

    Think about it--we have this huge problem that encompasses nearly every aspect of political/socio/economic life. Let's cause a massive default and force ourselves to deal with it while everything is crashing down quickly, on the fly, without time for reasoned debate or anything else.

    Any person who advocates for that is incredibly stupid, insane, or so rich they don't care because it won't meaningfully impact him.

    And before you label me a democrat, I have no love for that party. I'm just not an idiot.

  18. Or you could shave your head? I mean why cut off your head when the hair is the issue. Sounds like you may be an extremist? Either way, bad analogy!

  19. @11:17

    that was my point. I was comparing forcing default in order to change spending/deficits/etc. to cutting off my head to avoid paying for haircuts--both work, but are insanely crazy ways of going about the desired result having huge consequences ;)

  20. hey 8:31 am

    ALJs make (after only a few years) over $150k. You should adjust your repetitive talking points

