
Nov 2, 2013

Get Out Of The Bubble, Ina

     Proving that she lives in a bubble, Ina Jaffe reports on NPR, with amazement, that many older people rely almost exclusively on the income from their Social Security benefits, something that's hard to do. If you find this amazing, all I can do is recommend that you look around a bit. These days few people have defined benefit pensions or significant retirement savings.


  1. Maybe if the DEMs would let people keep more of their money rather than tax the crap out of it to give the poor, they wouldn't all be depending on this goverment safety net for the main source of income.

    But, that's their master plan...make everyone the same - dependent on the government. Awesome.

  2. Not counting FICA, the tax that pays SS benefits, effective tax rates for low and middle income people are fairly low. It's hard to understand the constant carping from rich guys who depend on all the benefits of government and then don't want to pay for it. Even more mystifying is the mostly middle and lower middle class Don't-tread-on-me crowd who buy the anti-government swill.

    1. So tax the rich and leave me alone!

  3. The repubs are pretty good at spending your tax dollars too, Anon 1:42... Over $100 Billion in corporate welfare each year. Personally, the humanitarian, judeo-christian side of me feels better about having my taxes go to poor folks in need. You are of course entitled to your different opinion.

    1. So fix both. Eliminate corporate welfare and welfare for the poor!

      At least the rich republicans say they want to keep their money. The rich democrats say get rid of corporate tax breaks and loop holes for the rich, but use all those same advantages when filing their own taxes. Pretty sweet deal huh?
