
Dec 3, 2013

Does This Look Like The Social Security Disability Program Is Out Of Control?

Final Outcome Of Disability Claims


  1. Giving percentages over time is irrelevant, when you consider the massive number of applications which continue to increase over the same period.

  2. Charles,

    Fellow SSD/SSI lawyer here. I see the effects of our adversiting...more technical denials (because a lot of clients that advertising pulls in are the lowest of society that don't work and live off others=DIB denials for lack of credits) and less initial awards (because the rigid rules stay the same at the DDS but more advertising brings in crappy cases b/c the economy is bad so the denial rate rises). Awesome to see our effect. Thanks for showing me this chart Charles.

  3. ( - The total number of people in the United States now receiving federal disability benefits hit a record 10,982,920 in November, up from the previous record of 10,978,040 set in May, according to newly released data from the Social Security Administration.

    The 10,982,920 Americans taking disability benefits in November outnumbered the total population of Greece, which is 10,772,967, according to the Central Intelligence Agency.

    The record 10,982,920 total disability beneficiaries in November, included a record 8,941,660 disabled workers (up from 8,936,932 in October), 1,883,594 children of disabled workers, and 157,666 spouses of disabled workers.

    November was the 202nd straight month that the number of disabled workers in the United States increased. The last time the number decreased was January 1997. That month the number of workers taking disability dropped by 249 people—from 4,385,623 in December 1996 to 4,385,374 in January 1997.

    The record 10,982,920 total disability beneficiaries in the United States in November also exceeded the total number of people in Portugal (10,799,270), Tunisia (10,835,873) and Burundi (10,888,321).

  4. I'm unimpressed by your population comparison numbers. Shoot, China has so many people that I would imagine it is likely there are more left-handed, homosexual, Mets fan Chinese than there are [insert random characteristic] people in the US.
