
Feb 25, 2014

Additional Arrests In NYC

     The New York Times reports that 28 more have been indicted in New York on charges of Social Security disability fraud. They are alleged to have feigned mental illness in order to obtain benefits. As before, these are state charges instead of federal charges.


  1. I notice that you neglected to mention that several of those charged have pled guilty, demonstrating that there is substance behind the allegations.

  2. And how many of these had legal representation?

  3. @ 6:06 -- How is that an operative consideration? They all had the right to representation, so whether they asserted that right doesn't say much. And let's not lose sight of the fact that the majority of the accused have a law enforcement background. They know the rules... Your question seems to imply that those who pled guilt were somehow railroaded or gave coerced pleas. Given the facts, it seems far more likely that they pled guilty because they were, y'know, guilty.

  4. @9:30 You are misrepresenting the article that Charles posted. The article states that "a few" of the defendants have pleaded guilty (two to be exact), not "several."

  5. @8:38 -- "several" means "two"

  6. @ 9:30 (2/26/2014): LOL. No, it doesn't. Google it.
