
Feb 14, 2014

Central Offices Opening Four Hours Late Today -- No, Not Opening At All

     Social Security's central offices in the Baltimore area are opening four hour late today due to snow.
    Update: Other federal offices in the Baltimore-Washington area are opening two hours late instead of four.
     Further update: On second thought, Social Security has decided to just close its central offices for the day instead of opening late.


  1. What's even more interesting is that SSA decided to close today, while CMS who is down the street is opening at 11:30am this morning.

  2. Central is pathetic. Years ago our office closed at 40 below with 8 inches of snow on the ground and trains delayed or not in service. The next day we opened on delay and our manager and the AD were told they should not have closed.

    People in Central think they are so special and yet they wonder why performance indicators lag behind when OCO provides absolutely no support for any real issue.
