
Feb 19, 2014

Speed Up For 100% Disabled Vets

     From the Baltimore Sun:
The Social Security Administration plans to streamline its review of disability claims for veterans starting next month, shaving weeks off the process by which it determines benefits, officials are set to announce Wednesday. ...
Under the new policy, applicants who have been deemed 100 percent disabled by the VA are to be put on a "fast track" at virtually every step of the process. ...
The change won't make it any more likely veterans will receive benefits, officials say — just that they'll get a decision more quickly. ...
     Update: And, here's the announcement but it's brief and a bit vague. If there are staff instructions, they haven't been released to the public yet.


  1. Just means DDS and ALJs will deny 100% disabled veterans more quickly. Most ALJs I know are more likely to deny a claim if a vet has a high VA rating. I think some ALJs figure there's no need for SSA to pay benefits if the VA is already taking care of the vet. I think that is a wrong way of looking at it, but just a simple Lexis search of Bird cases in the 4th Circuit reveals over 60 remanded cases in the last 16 months for ALJs denying vets with high VA ratings.

  2. You should not be allowed to receive VA and SSA benefits at the same time. No double dipping

  3. How is VA and SSA double dipping? Two different programs with different qualification guidelines. If anything, we should try do everything we can to help those who are injured fighting for our country. From my experience, a finding of VA disability usually helps a claimant's credibility.

  4. Re: 4:36 anonymous: then sir you should propose legislation exempting all military servicemen and women from having to pay FICA taxes.

    I propose offsetting the loss in FICA tax revenue by cutting the salaries of ALJs. What is fair is fair.

    I love it: ALJ bias against veterans results in military personnel no longer paying FICA taxes. What is fair is fair.

    1. But then again, maybe someone should post 4:36's comment to Fox News. I'd love to see Sean Hannity and the wounded warrior project slam ALJs and the ALJ Union for being anti-veteran.

      Maybe someone from Fox News reads this blog. If so, you should jump on this.

  5. Maybe we should have a discussion on how while on SSDI someone can still work and earn up to $1,000 per month, but while on 100% disability from the VA, you can earn zilch.

    All the more reason this is important.
