
Feb 3, 2014

Why Are Central Offices Opening Late Today?

     Social Security's offices in the Baltimore area, where the agency's headquarters are located, are opening two hours late today. Uh, why? I didn't think it had been snowing in the area.


  1. it's supposed to start snowing in Baltimore at 10 AM - 1-5 inches.....already snowing west and north of Baltimore.......

    so they decided to have us come in during the start of the snow.......rather than during the rain earlier this morning.......

    more excellent leadership decision making......from Mr. Spencer and his generals.

  2. It wasn't a bad call. Last night they had no idea where the rain/snow line would be, so they gave themselves until 7 or so this morning to get better information about whether to shut down for the full day or not. By 7 it was pretty obvious that we'd be fine, and so here we are.

    Bad leadership would have been making the call at 4:30 this morning when it still wasn't clear what would happen, and then having employees on the road with heavy snow.

  3. While it has mostly rained here at central office, many employees live north and west where they got ice and snow. Roads in those areas were very dangerous with lots of accidents. One of my co-workers started to come in, then turned around and went home because the roads were so bad. I live south of here and had only rain coming in.

  4. I drove through some of the worst road conditions I have experienced in Southern Ohio this AM to get to a hearing that my client has been waiting for over 2 years on.

    SSA employees are always looking for an excuse not to work.

  5. @ 2:14
    I'm not aware of any hearing office that has a backlog of more than 2 years. Maybe if your client had filed their request for hearing timely and/or hadn't requested multiple postponements for XYZ reason; they'd have had a hearing by now.

  6. Slid off the road on the way in to headquarters this morning as bands of rain, sleet, snow, moved through the area. Neighborhood roads weren't plowed until 3:30 when the precip stopped. Ended up with 4 inches of ice/snow. My colleague ten minutes north had an additional 3 inches. It was that kind of storm. Great call by management.

  7. @ 5:51. It has been 2 years since she filed her claim. Based on the denial percentages on initial and recon claims, her need for a hearing was almost inevitable from the start.

    Where you came up with "Maybe if your client had filed their request for hearing timely and/or hadn't requested multiple postponements for XYZ reason" is the same place I assume you have your head most days.

  8. @2:14 - Hopefully, you meant to say that *some* SSA employees are always looking for an excuse not to work. But if you actually meant it the way you said it, you're simply wrong. Most of us bust our tails day in and day out for the sake of clients just like yours. The lazy ones make the rest of us look bad, in the same way that lazy and ill-prepared disability reps do you no favors. So, please check your attitude.

  9. @7:02 - Yes, thanks for correcting me, I should have prefaced my remarks by saying "some" SSA employees. It is always the few bad apples that create an image for the entire group.

    5:51 seems to fall into that group with his/her unfounded accusations regarding the claimant.

  10. 2:14/5:49,

    You lost any credibility you might have had with your sweeping generalization about the work ethic of SSA employees, so save your rhetoric about unfounded accusations for the next NOSSCR conference.
