
Apr 30, 2014

A Bad Apple

     From WJLA:
A former specialist for the Social Security Administration pled guilty Tuesday to soliciting more than $50,000 in bribes from Social Security recipients in return for providing them with extra, unauthorized benefits.
Christopher Payton, 46, of Mount Rainier, Md., pled guilty in D.C. District Court Tuesday to one count of bribery. The plea agreement calls for him to pay $54,662 in restitution and an identical amount in a forfeiture money judgment.
According to a statement of offense, signed by the defendant and the government, Payton was a Social Insurance Specialist for the SSA's Anacostia Office in Southeast Washington. ...
Between January and May of 2013, Payton reportedly met with 13 people as part of his responsibilities at the agency. Upon meeting these individuals, Payton reportedly told them that if they gave him a tip, he would take care of them....
After the victims agreed Payton used his access to cause retroactive Supplemental Security Income benefits to go into the individuals' bank accounts....
The charge carries a statutory maximum of 15 years in prison and financial penalties. Under federal sentencing guidelines, Payton faces a likely range of 30 to 37 months in prison and a fine of up to $60,000.


  1. I suppose his $64,500 yearly GS-11 CR salary just wasn't enough for him. On top of that, the loser should have known he had a job guaranteed for life as long as he didn't mess up too bad. I hope the guy gets the max sentence. People like this deserve serious jail time.

  2. What about the folks that gave him bribes? Hopefully they have to pay back the benefits and get jail time.

  3. I agree that the crooked employee should receive the maximum penalty. But what about the beneficiaries that also tried to cheat the system? Do the get a free pass because they're old or disabled or poor? They still broke the law! However, I'm sure our bleeding heart society will forget about their moral lapse and let them go. I forgot, the public never tries to cheat the system, if you read this blod, they're all as honest as can be!
