
Apr 7, 2014

Online Social Security Card Replacement Coming

     From a contracting notice posted by the Social Security Administration:
SSA is developing an Internet-based Social Security Number (SSN) Replacement Card (iSSNRC) application to improve service to the public.
 iSSNRC will allow U.S. citizens who meet certain criteria to request replacement SSN cards online by completing an application and providing data from their U.S. State-issued drivers' licenses (DL) or U.S. State-issued identification (ID) cards as evidence of identity. SSA then needs to electronically verify that the DL or State ID card information entered matches the data on the issuing State's database for the document being verified.


  1. poms requires that the ssn be shown as 000-00-0000 in the media, fix your image please. Also my ssa is awesome, this should be enabled asap

  2. People who are not employed by the Social Security Administration are not required to follow procedures detailed in SSA's procedural manuals.

  3. I don't think that Charles is governed by POMS.

  4. I would hazard a guess that none of you work in the upper echelons of SSA, in particular policy. Those folks seem to think POMS, HALLEX, et all rule everyone, even the Federal judiciary, lol

  5. I believe 000-00-0000 is C. Montgomery Burns' SSN. Either him or FDR.

  6. So if someone steals your Driver's Licence, they can also go on-line and get a replacement SS Card?

  7. I would imagine they will only mail it to the address listed on your D/L--that the address verification is part of the verification discussed in this piece. Also, you can probably lock everything down with a phone call if your stuff is stolen sort of like you already can with SSA online accounts and the three major credit reporting agencies.

  8. Anyone with access to DMV records would be able to change the address, then go online and request replacement ssn cards for as many records as they wanted. It's not like this kind of thing has never happened before. Imagine California or New York, or any other illegal alien-sympathizing jurisdictions, feeding ssn cards on as as-needed basis.

  9. "anyone with access to DMV records"

    so you are assuming an employee or contractor with access to the system, a person posing as another person going to a DMV, or a hacker (the only ways I could think one's DMV address can be changed) must first commit a felony before this widespread, easy manipulation would take place. There are lots of criminals willing to commit felonies, but your floodgates argument doesn't really hold much water since it assumes a limited class of person would have to commit a felony in each case to change the DMV address before the SS card could ever be issued.

    Plus, I would imagine the State's DMV might be suspicious if one's DMV address is changed and shortly thereafter SSA comes asking for verification to issue a new SS card by mail. But please, don't let reason stand in the way of your bigotry towards all dem illegals takin yur jahbs

  10. to 9:07 am--don't let reason stand in the way of your PC naivete---with everything computerized, there is no one to check on what is going on until much after the fact--this kind of thing goes on all the time, don't kid yourself.
