
Apr 26, 2014

SSA Seeks Fitness Center Audio And Aerobics Systems

     Social Security is seeking to buy a "Complete Commercial Grade Group Exercise Aerobics System and a Complete Commercial Grade Fitness Center Audio Systems for the Wabash Fitness Center."


  1. Your tax dollars at work.

  2. Oh yes, the Baltimorons must keep fit but the field better not order any more pens then absolutely needed!

    Out in the field we often wonder how the Baltimorons get any work done! Their "campus" is like a cruise ship. Cafeterias, food stands, jewelry shows, parties, day care, gyms and who knows what else.

    Us Cretans only know about this stuff because once in while we will get an email inviting us to some gala in the middle of the work day. However, invariably the gala is for Baltimorons only and not for our eyes, having been sent by mistake. Our coworkers who have visited there always return to entertain us with stories of lux and opulence but little productivity.

    Oh yes, life is good in the promised land of the Baltimorons!
