
Jul 18, 2014

Senate Finance Committee Schedules Hearing On Social Security Disability

     The Senate Finance Committee has scheduled a hearing for 10:00 on July 24 on "Social Security: A Fresh Look at Workers’ Disability Insurance." Here's the witness list:
Mr. Stephen Goss, Chief Actuary, Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD
Ms. Marianna LaCanfora, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy, Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD
Ms. Rebecca Vallas, Associate Director, Poverty to Prosperity Program, Center for American Progress Action Fund, Washington, DC
Dr. Richard Burkhauser, Professor, Adjunct Scholar, Cornell University, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC
     Will the Social Security Trustees Report be out by then?


  1. Wow, the first three actually know something about Social Security.

    Isn't Burkhauser the shill for making the disability definition even more stingy, despite the fact that SSA already uses one of the strictest disability definitions?

    He'll have trouble selling that snake oil.

  2. Burkahuser served on the National Academy of Social Insurance Panel on “Rethinking Disability Policy: The Role of Income, Health Care, Rehabilitation and Related Supports in Fostering Independence” from 1994-1996. When Rebecca Vallas was 10 years old. What could he know?

  3. Burkhauser is one of those "great" thinkers who should keep his ideas to himself. He wants to require private employers to attempt to rehabilitate workers before allowing them to file for SS disability. This half baked approach would apparently require employer paid rehabilitation even for workers not injured on the job and then tax employers based on their experience rating. How his plan received serious consideration by anyone plus the seal of approval from the conservative AEI is beyond me. I cannot think of a business in America eager to take on this responsibility. Please shut the door to the Ivory Tower, lock it, and do not let this guy out.
