
Jul 11, 2014

UI Offset Under Consideration In Highway Bill

     From a letter sent by the Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) to the Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee.  CCD is a major umbrella group of organizations serving disabled people:
The undersigned members of the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) write to express our opposition to proposals to eliminate or reduce concurrent Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits as a partial offset for funding the Highway Trust Fund under the Preserving American’s Transit and Highways Act (PATH Act).
The SSDI and UI programs were established for different purposes and largely serve different populations. Receiving UI and SSDI concurrently is legal and appropriate. This has been the long - standing position of the Social Security Administration and of the court.


  1. umm, I think the North Carolina General Statutes (and I imagine many other States' statutes) would disagree with that last assertion...

  2. Wow it seems like some Grinches in Congress just keep trying to kick people when they are down. Unemployed people with disabilities need help, not cuts. Kind of ironic that they are trying to use a highway bill to roll right over people who can least afford it.
