
Aug 19, 2014

BOND Survey

     From a recent Social Security Emergency Message:
The Social Security Administration has asked Abt Associates and Mathematica Policy Research (the surveyors) to conduct a survey to learn about the work experiences of people receiving Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits. The survey is part of SSA’s Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND). From January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2015, the surveyors will contact approximately 22,600 SSDI participants. Some of these beneficiaries will be BOND participants and some will not. The surveyors will ask them about their and their family members’ work, health and education status, and about their attitudes toward work and their health. They will also ask whether they have worked with a benefits counselor recently.
The surveyors will ask the beneficiaries to complete a survey. The survey responses will provide information on SSDI beneficiaries’ attitudes and efforts toward work.
Beneficiary participation in the survey is voluntary. The survey will take approximately 50 minutes to complete. Participants will receive a $25 incentive payment for participation. Participation will not affect receipt of benefits from SSA.
     By the way, Social Security's "Emergency Messages" seldom deal with actual emergencies. It's just a medium for conveying information to the field.

1 comment:

  1. Why does SSA continue to throw money at these worthless projects?
