
Aug 5, 2014

Researchers Find Little Evidence For Link Between Disability Insurance Benefits And Decline In Labor Force Participation By Those With Work Limitations

     The abstract of Reconciling Findings On The Employment Effect Of Disability Insurance by John Bound , Stephan Lindner and Timothy Waidmann in the IZA Journal of Labor Policy:
Over the last 25 years, the Social Security Disability Insurance Program (DI) has grown dramatically. During the same period, employment rates for men with work limitations showed substantial declines in both absolute and relative terms. While the timing of these trends suggests that the expansion of DI was a major contributor to employment decline among this group, raising questions about the targeting of disability benefits, studies using denied applicants suggest a more modest role of the DI expansion. To reconcile these findings, we decompose total employment changes into population and employment changes for three categories: DI beneficiaries, denied applicants, and non-applicants. Our results show that during the early 1990s, the growth in DI can fully explain the employment decline for men only under an extreme assumption about the employment potential of beneficiaries. For the period after the mid-1990s, we find little role for the DI program in explaining the continuing employment decline for men with work limitations.


  1. Work is way over rated! Who in their right mind would want to do any kind of laborious activity for pay when you font have to in order to live on this country.

  2. Apparently you font need writing skills to live on this country either.

    1. Well if I knew how to write, I'd probably have a job, right?
