
Sep 19, 2014

Senate Finance Committee Clears Colvin Nomination

     The Senate Finance Committee has voted 22-2 to favorably report out the nomination of Carolyn Colvin to a term as Commissioner of Social Security. She is currently the Acting Commissioner. Senators Burr (R-NC) and Isakson (R-GA) voted against Colvin.
     The nomination is not out of the woods. This will not be taken up by the full Senate until after the election. If Republicans gain a majority in the Senate after the election, they may try to prevent almost all action in a lame duck session, perhaps including action on non-controversial nominations.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently Republican Senators Burr and Isakson are not paying attention to the Acting Commissioner's actions otherwise they would have voted favorably. Given her actions since taking over it is disappointing the Democrats on the Committee voted favorably.
