
Oct 7, 2014

COLA Will Be About 1.7%

     Investment News is projecting that Social Security's cost of living adjustment (COLA) for 2014 will be 1.7%, slightly more than last year's COLA of 1.5%.


  1. 100% more than the COLA for employees who actually work.

    Remind me again who is on the "fixed" income.

  2. "employees who actually work"

    These people get pay RAISES. If they don't then perhaps their employer thinks they don't deserve it.

  3. First, not that it matters, but not everyone gets a raise every year.

    More importantly, don't compare apples and oranges. The increases in pay due to grade/step increases are increases in actual pay rate to reflect (at least hypothetical) increased competence/skill in a job. COLA is a blanket raise in all wages to account for inflation. Don't be disingenuous, 10:23.

  4. "COLA is a blanket raise in all wages to account for inflation".

    I must have learned something today. According to 12:01 PM October 07 2014,cola for social security benefits are WAGES. Previously,i thought wages were earned during employment not SSA benefits.

    10:23 AM, October 07, 2014

  5. Not everyone gets a raise every year, but few working people go 25 years without a raise. But many people are on Social Security for 25 years. Without COLAs, a person's benefits today would be just over half what they were 25 years ago.

    I agree that employees should get COLAs, too, but I don't begrudge them to people on Social Security (which will include me at some point). My employer rarely gives COLAs, and even the average merit raises haven't kept up with inflation (and benefit cuts) the last 10 years. But I blame my employer for that, not people on Social Security.

  6. 10:23, you really have poor reading comprehension skills (or slightly less poor trolling skills).

    I wasn't explicitly clear, but my previous sentence was talking about earnings of federal (really SSA) employees. Further, my response was directed at your comment, which concerned COLA for fed (SSA) employee wages. Finally, my whole comment makes no sense unless one interprets the COLA I mentioned to be the COLA for employees--I pointed out how steps/grades were different from COLA, obviously talking about the same group of people (i.e., fed employees). Taken together, it should have been abundantly clear that the COLA I mentioned was COLA for employees, not COLA for SSA beneficiaries.

    Work on your language skills before posting here in the future, ok ;)

  7. @4:20 PM, October 07, 2014

    I am sorry. I still learned something today. I had never heard COLA applied to wages,just to S.S benefits.

    Also i was born and raised in america,and understand the language very well,people too.

  8. @ 5:57

    I have worked at 4 different large companies and now work for the government. At each company, annual salary increases (when they occurred) were considered COLA.

    Glad you were able to learn something new.
