
Oct 16, 2014

OIG Explains Its Need For Ammo

     Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG) tries once again to explain why it needs to buy large quantities of ammunition. I think the issue that OIG is avoiding is whether it is classifying too many of its employees as law enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers get to retire at an earlier age than other employees.


  1. Really, you don't think this is a conspiracy by the government to drive ammo prices through the roof, keep ammo off the market, and discourage people from buying guns and ammo? Why else would the government buy billions of rounds of ammo? We don't have money for CDC, but we do for ammo? BS..

  2. Yeah, they want ISIS and other terrorists as part of their "illegal" aliens population to give them the ammo instead of us protecting ourselves so we become defenseless and let them kill that the people who live here and Christians especially will experience another Nazi holocaust .
    Scary unh?

  3. The real reason is that OIG, SSA, et al must spend all the money requested/received or they cannot request more money the next year and the is an endless cycle of bad decisions and waste. There is no ulterior motive other than out of control budget requests and decisions. Check what SSA spent on travel for execs in FY 2014.

  4. Are you saying the government is too stupid to conspire??
