
Oct 6, 2014

Union: 70,000 My SSA Accounts Have Been Subject Of Some Kind Of Fraud

     From a press release issued by the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the union that represents most Social Security employees:
AFGE, Social Security Works and the Alliance for Retired Americans on Thursday submitted half a million signatures of people who demand that Social Security offices remain open in local communities across the country. In total, four rallies took place across the country in Columbus, Ohio, New York,  Oakland, Calif. and Washington, D.C. ...
“Many people who rely on Social Security are the least likely to have knowledge, ability, and resources to use the Internet services,” AFGE Council 220 President Witold Skwierczynski told the crowd. “Moreover, 95 percent of people who’ve filed for benefits online have to be re-contacted because of missing information. People need experts to guide them.”
Skwierczynski added than 70,000 My SSA accounts have been subject to some kind of fraud as people fall victim to identity theft. SSA is aware of the problem but chooses to play it down. Alliance for Retired Americans Rich Fiesta said it’s outrageous that SSA is closing offices when baby boomers are retiring in massive numbers and need the aid of experienced Social Security Administration staff.


  1. "half a million signatures"

    Dont sound like alot to me.

    There will always be electronic fraud or hacking. SSA needs to tighten security for MYSSA accounts. But for younger individuals,the ability to see notices,possibly seeing a case status,perhaps medical record information from the comfort of their own home is an attractive option. And i hope SSA continue to move forward quickly,and securely.

  2. Dont sound like alot to me. There will always be electronic fraud or hacking. SSA needs to tightn security fof MYSSSA accounts. But for younger individuals,the ability to see notices,possibly seeing case status,perhaps medical record information from the comfort of their own home is an attractive option. And i hope SSA continue to move forward quickly,securely.

  3. How many of the 70,000 were accounts that were compromised initially by bad actors as opposed to accounts that were previously set up by the numberholders and then hacked. The breakdown of the 70,000 between those two categories is extremely important.
