
Nov 22, 2014

Hearing Backlog Growing Rapidly

From a recent report by Social Security's Office of Inspector General


  1. ODAR is failing by design and the Carlyle Group is licking their chops. Wake up people and DO something now before it is too late. What is that old saying, "If we don't hang together, we will surely hang separately". I hope I am wrong, but I don't think so. I'm an insider so there is little I can do except play Paul Revere and shout "the contractors are coming, the contractors are coming".

  2. Last information I got from a group supe is that the backlog is now more than 1 million. Logically, the backlog will grow even faster now that so many hearing resources are directed toward cessations. But still the emphasis is on "quality" rather than quantity, and likely will remain that way until the convergence of a 2 million backlog and a Democratic congress
