
Jan 28, 2015

New Layout And Colors

     I'm sure that regular readers of this blog know that I've been adjusting the layout and colors for the blog. I'm not finished yet but I'm getting there. Please share your opinions.
     Just below the blog title is a line for you to enter your e-mail address. If you do that and hit enter, you'll start getting blog posts by e-mail. So far, I've been unable to get Blogger to properly label this gadget but that's what it's for.


  1. Why do I have to click leave this page when I have already told it to??

  2. New colors look just ok. Is it good for accessibility, so all have reasonbably good access to reading?

  3. I like the background. Easy on the eyes. I would like the text a little darker - black text would be a little easier to read. But generally, I like the new look.

  4. I agree with 7:25 above. VERY nice new look! I also think that black would be easier to read but I know we are probably "nit-picking" and I appreciate the time and effort you put in to this. This is where I typically start every day and read the latest industry-related news and gossip while I wait for the caffeine to kick in lol.

  5. I concur with 4:05. I, too, start my day here before the phones start ringing. I appreciate all the work you put in. I feel this blog and its comments keep me informed, especially during this crazy time in our business. I entered my e-mail address at the top, but I didn't receive the newest post by e-mail, so that function isn't working yet. Thought I'd let you know.

  6. I don't understand the comments asking for the text to be black. The text is black!

    As best I can tell, the e-mail delivery is working. There are 15 subscribers at this point. If you had a problem, I'd suggest you try again. Remember you have to enter the Captcha code and then respond to the e-mail you receive in order to start getting e-mail delivery.

  7. Thanks, Charles. I'll try entering my e-mail again.

  8. I'm 7:25 - Well, the text is readable and I'll take your word that it is black. However, it is a light shade of black. I'll deal with it. I probably would have used a serif font for the text.

    I do appreciate your blog. Thanks.

  9. Love the new look. Very 21st Century.

  10. Anyone else having issues with the e-mail notifications? I tried to reenter my e-mail address, but it said that I had already registered it. I'm still not receiving the e-mail notifications for new blogs.

  11. The text was originally showing up as dark brown on my screen but is now showing black...FYI...looks great thanks for your time!

  12. Keep up the good work Charles. The blog looks great. Thank you for everything you do. A lot of us on both sides of the fence really appreciate it.
