
Feb 26, 2015

Online Social Security Card Replacement Coming

     From today's Federal Register:
We propose to revise our regulations to allow applicants for a Social Security number (SSN) card to apply by completing a prescribed application and submitting the required evidence, rather than completing a paper Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card. We also propose to remove the word ``documentary'' from our description of certain evidence requirements. These changes would provide flexibility in the ways in which the public may request SSN cards and allow us, in the future, to implement an online SSN replacement card application system, which we are currently developing.
    Can this be done securely?


  1. Securely is a matter of degrees.

  2. answer is yes, we can do online banking, we can do online SSA change of direct deposit, we can do online replacement SSN cards

  3. @10:04 and so can those that currently using our systems to commit fraud... I don't care if it is the small percentage the Commision states, if it happens to you then that percentage is suddenly 100%.

  4. If someone knows enough about you to get past mySSA identity authentication, then they wouldn't really need the paper card to do any real fraud, would they?

  5. re: 3:17PM Anon

    It opens up a whole new universe of people to potential identity theft fraud.

    Right now, the majority of fraud cases are limited to those who are receiving benefits.

    Once this goes into place, identity thieves will be able to target literally anyone (regardless of whether or not they are receiving benefits). You'd be shocked at the number of businesses that will accept an SSN card as evidence of identity.

    And, to an illegal immigrant, an SSN card issued by SSA is a goldmine.

  6. re 3:17

    Trust me - mySSA authentication is a mess! I retired almost 42 years after I first started work for SSA - including some minor work on the authentication needed for mySSA. Guess who cannot open a mySSA account! After trying several times, I finally figured out that they still think I have a car that I donated to charity more than 20 years ago. My local DO will only reset it so I can try to do it again. I keep thinking it will give me a different set of questions - no such luck. If I am ever in the mood to look up what exactly the local office needs to do and then sit in the office waiting to talk to a Claims Rep, I will see if I can get one. It is not a major issue for me - I am not insured for RIB and am waiting for FRA before I file for spouse's benefits since my Civil Service pension will reduce that to zero. Many of us were totally opposed to allowing online access for things like this. We were ignored.

  7. Why is fraud a HUGE issue here and not even an after thought when it comes to people receiving benefits? Nothing will ever be 100% secure. What is the acceptable level of fraud here is the better question. It seems there is already an acceptable level in other areas.

  8. To 11:14pm. I hope you understand, and know that SSA contracts with Experian for the credit questions. Your statement sounded as though you believe SSA is to blame for asking you questions about your past vehicle ownership.

  9. I know that SSA contracts with Experian but did not know if that was general knowledge so did not want to say that. Since there is no way to explain to Experian that the 1983 Chevy died and was donated so that it could be scavenged for parts to benefit the Kidney Foundation, my only recourse is to go to the local DO. I know there is some way for them to help me set up a mySSA account since some folks absolutely cannot do it online - for instance if there is an " identity theft" alert on their records. However, all they seem to think they can do is reset it so I can try again. Oh, well, I am not blaming SSA for the screwy mess at Experian but I really wish they knew how to help me. I spent too many years searching for instructions in POMS and don't want to do it now. (And I do not know if those instructions are even available in the online POMS.) Luckily, it is not a problem for me - I just wish that others with the same problem would not get the same unhelpful response.

  10. 12:04 Your local FO should have a representative that can establish your account and bypass the credit questions. All that is require is for you to input your basic information that matches what SSA has on a their records (numident). The rep should not simply be unlocking your account and requesting you try again.

    Best of luck

  11. Better yet, if you can't answer the questions to establish the myssa account, they isn't an account to unlock. Maybe they're removing the lock or suspension, but like the other poster said, they can bypass all of that and give you a letter to finalize the account setup.

  12. 2:56 and 5:56 - that is what I thought I remembered but that is not what they think they can do. I realize that they are busy, but if I remember correctly, they assumed somewhere between 25-50% would fail. This means a LOT of people might need help - but aren't getting it. When will Congress realize that SSA needs to do the same kind of massive hiring that they were doing in the late 60s-early 70s? It takes real people with time to read/research what do in unusual situations to help the people who visit the office. I am fairly computer savvy and 40+ years with SSA and have had several times I needed to visit the FO to resolve an issue. Grrrr!!
